INFO2022.02.27The waic2022 Shanghai AI developer conference, which brings together AI cutting-edge scientific and technological elements, was held in Lingang New film area
INFO2022.02.10The leaders of the economic and Information Technology Commission conducted in-depth research in minglue, Tiantu and diejing, accelerated the development of artificial intelligence enterprises and gra
INFO2022.01.20Ten major events in the development of artificial intelligence in Shanghai in 2021
INFO2022.01.1337 supporting measures in 7 aspects were introduced in batches during the year! See the detailed explanation of supporting policies and measures of Shanghai data regulations
INFO2021.11.17以工匠精神“精雕细琢”数字之都 2021上海“智慧工匠”出炉
INFO2021.11.172021上海城市数字化转型 “智慧工匠”选树、“领军先锋”评选活动智能算法竞赛圆满落幕
INFO2021.11.01AI资本 | 上海人工智能基金•行业周报(10月23日-10月29日)
INFO2021.10.26AI资本 | 上海人工智能基金•行业周报(10月16日-10月22日)